Yesterday, after standing in the freezing cold for almost an hour and a half (heads up, Uggs do not work if you stand in one spot for this long in single digit weather), we finally got to enter the theater for the annual Oscars Best Picture Showcase (AKA Ethan Hawking day - I just thought of that!) We had already seen The Grand Budapest Hotel, which I thought was okay, but I'm not a huge Wes Anderson fan so it was my least favorite of the 5/8 Best Picture-nominated films I've seen.
The first of the day was Boyhood, which was really great. For some reason, I thought that they had filmed all of the actors at 3 points over 12 years, but this isn't the case - the film shows them (all of the actors) at multiple points over the 12 years. For the idea and execution, I definitely think it deserves the Oscar.
The music from each era played throughout the movie (as you could imagine), but I couldn't focus on the party scene because 'Helena Beat' was playing in the background and I got so excited that I couldn't see straight.
Also, can I be friends with the lead guy? His character is super chill and I want a friend like that.
The second film was The Theory of Everything. I readied my packet of tissues in the cup holder - a good plan as I cried about 17 times (though the tissues were scented which threw me off in the middle of my hysterics.) Overall, I liked the movie and it made me emotional and appreciative of all that I have in my life, but I wasn't blown away. I think he'll get the Best Actor Oscar because, well, he's playing Stephen Hawking, but really I'd like Cumberbatch to get it. Felicity Jones was excellent, by the way.
Let's also take a second to look at how similar Eddie Redmayne and Stephen Hawking look here:
The Imitation Game was next and it was mine and Dave's favorite of the lot:
The story was excellent, as was the acting. I really hope this wins something (is it nominated for Screenplay?) I have a feeling it just won't though.
We ended the day with American Sniper:
I generally like war movies, but watching this one kind of scared the crap out of me (equal parts terrorist and sandstorm.) At the same time, it reminded me of The Walking Dead, swapping out zombies for terrorists, which was probably a weird, yet fitting way of looking at it.
Overall, I probably liked yesterday's movies almost equally, though The Imitation Game and Boyhood were preferable to me in terms of Oscar-worthyness.
I would also like to thank AMC Lows 34th Street for their kind reminder in every bathroom stall - "Please do not flush 3D glasses down the toilet." Huh? Who does that??
We just passed the 1 year anniversary of moving to our "new" apartment (and what better way to celebrate than with a leak coming down through the walls from the 3rd floor?? Don't worry, we have our Spongebob towel soaking up the water, because that's what he does.) Anyway, our neighbor brought us part of a sugar cookie house the other day:
I love getting baked goods from her, it's sweet (literally and figuratively.) Much better than our old upstairs neighbors who would have techno dance parties every Sunday afternoon.
Does anyone have a Roku? We are thinking about buying one. Advice please?
Oh yeah! This happened the other day:
At least it was sunny?
Current Music: Foster the People: Pumped Up Kicks