Saturday, February 07, 2015

Channels in the Stream

This morning's Tottenham v. Arsenal game inspired me to finally write a blog post. Can you PLEASE look at this resemblance??

Guys - Tomas Rosicky is Bruce Jenner's secret love child!

The fact that I think that I'm the first one to see this resemblance (and it actually got me to write a blog post for the first time in months) is pretty lame indeed, but I really believe I've discovered something here. That's on top of the fact that it took me 20 minutes how to figure out how to put these images side by side on the Mac. But hey, that's what Saturday mornings are for right?

We've decided to join the ranks of the anti-cable movement by calling it quits and moving directly to streaming. Well, that was until Time Warner talked us into a sweet deal of keeping the few basic stations + DVR + high speed internet for $100/month cheaper than what we were paying today. We've got HBO Go (thanks for letting us "borrow" your account mom and dad) and Netflix, and we're going to get Hulu Plus so I think we're all set. This means that I can still DVR all of my favorite reality TV shows (Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother) and watch Mindy Girl and New Project (uh, yes, I really just wrote that) with the ability to fast forward through commercials. Now, we just need to find out how to get the AMC shows and we'll be ready to call Saul.

This morning, I was looking through some old posts from summer 2006 of when I traveled to SE Asia (I was sending the links to a friend who is going), and there is literally 1 photo posted from the entire 5 week trip. I cannot believe how much difficulty I used to have with uploading photos to this site, along with adjusting the layout - I used to spend hours trying to post things on here. Today, the Jenner-Rosicky photo posted in its right place in a split second! My, how the web has has evolved. Also, I noticed some pretty horrific spelling errors in those posts, as well as the use of the word "component" instead of "opponent." {CRINGING}

Since I'm heading out to Zumba shortly (yes, I used to think it was the "lazy person's exercise" but I've since seen the light), I'll leave you with my most favorite Zumba song ever (I play it so much, even Dave knows the words.) You can thank me later.

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