Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's the Springtime of My Life

I thought I was in the clear the past two days and then I woke up to 4 new bites (three near the elbow where they usually tend to be) and one on the ankle. In case you don't know the back story, as of last week, we have biting ants in our apartment. I know for a fact that they are ants because I've caught them in action. They are definitely not typical NY ants (did the biting part give that away?), but they are also light-colored and these bites are really fucking itchy! Meghan and I have some theories on where they came from but they've all been disproved (brought in from the park? No, because that was over 2 weeks ago; they live in the couch? (where we usually get attacked?) No, because we bought that couch last June and had no critters till the other day.) My dad thinks they came from someone else's apartment and the people brought them in from South America (huh?) I called maintenance to report it on Tuesday evening but the exterminator (who I keep calling the Terminator unintentionally) only comes on Tuesdays, so I'm living for a week with these monsters. So if you see me with massive bites you know why. Oh, and don't come over.

Happy to see a Carolina Liar video on the TV, though the singer looks super-mannequin like.

Songs I like right now:
Little Boots - New in Town
La Roux - Bulletproof (kind of obsessed with that one)
Noisettes - Never Forget You
Hockey - Learn to Lose
Marmaduke Duke - Rubber Lover
Jack Penate - Be the One
I just got motherflippin Bangles tickets!! They were the second concert I ever went to (Jones Beach with my dad in 1980something.) When I was a kid, I used to set up my room to give it a "concert feel" - put a cover over my lamp to dim the lights, set up my little Casio keyboard, and next to it was my pink Barbie guitar. Either myself, or with a friend, I'd act like I was the band, playing their albums for my fake crowd. For the record, my faves include "In Your Room" and their version of "Hazy Shade of Winter."
The above show is at BB Kings Blues Club where I haven't frequented yet. I'm looking forward to the caberet-style atmosphere. When I was buying the tickets, I noticed that En Vogue are playing (first physical CD I bought - don't worry, I had plenty of tapes before that.) I kind of want to go but it's tonight so I doubt I could wrangle anyone in time (or in general.)
Nerd Alert: Friday was a good day - not only did I have a coupon for free Red Mango plus a topping (and it was ANY flavor yogurt, hello Green Tea) but I won two tickets to see Star Trek through work too! Although I've never seen an episode of the show, nor do I plan to ever do so, this is the second time it's popped up for me in relation to work. When I worked at ICSC, at the last Spring Convention in Vegas, we had our department dinner before the conference kicked off, and our VP gave one of the Meeting Planners Barry Manilow tickets for her birthday. I was joking around about wanting Star Trek Experience tickets (just because I wanted something for free, and the conference was in The Hilton which was Star Trek headquarters.) A few days later our VP pulled me to the side all serious and was like, I got you the Star Trek tickets and was like keep it on the hush, haaaa. Very nice of her but I really had done it for the principle of getting something for free. Immediately after the conference ended, I dragged Laura M. with me to the simulator and whatever else the "Experience" consisted of. The best part of that particular trip was following Star Trek, we went to The Sahara next door to ride the forwards-backwards roller coaster and screamed our faces off in relief that the whole thing was over. Not sure why it never occurred to any of us to do that in previous years.
So, I'm doing one Fire Island weekend this year with my friends. When push came to shove, I couldn't resist. Plus it's at the end of the summer so fingers crossed Dave will be here and he can experience Ocean Beach in all it's glory.
Yesterday, I went home for early Mother's Day. I went with my momma to get her dress for the wedding, which was going fine until I freaked out over a speeding car as I was merging onto 135 in Long Island and swerved and scraped the curb or whatever and got a flat tire. I will say that AAA is amazing - they logged my problem at 2:36 pm, and I was already driving away at 3:01 pm. Friendly service guy as well. Afterwards, we went to look at flowers for the wedding. Bouquets are pricey but boutonnieres clock in at $12 a piece - man flowers all around!
When I got down to the subway, my watch said 8:32 pm (I like to time the trip back from Queens), and I opened my book which was bookmarked at page 832!! Told you I was freak-ay.
I finished reading I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb last night. That book was da bomb! I've never seen so many bad things happen to a character. Seriously, like every chapter something worse happened! Awesome book.
Thursday night was Franz Ferdinand at Roseland. The openers, Born Ruffians, did not do it for me. Franz on the other hand, well, were awesome of course. They played a great mix of old and new stuff, and although I'm still waiting for the new album to grow on me, I really enjoyed those songs live. Good background images as well.
On Friday night, after my triple dork sensation of free Red Mango, Bangles ticket acquirement, and winning the Star Trek lottery, I ran home and changed, made it to kickboxing, then went to Ella with Kat and Heather and peeps for Veronica's birthday (not in my gym clothes.) Got the dancing out of my system so I stayed in last night. While being eaten by fire ants, I watched Grey's from two weeks ago (eh), Survivor (do I have issues for actually crying during an episode of this?!), and then Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was much funnier than I expected, highly enjoyable.
I forgot to mention that I saw Rock of Ages two weeks ago. Prior to going, I was complaining to someone about how I can't stand 80s music (that being said by someone who had hastily accepted the free show ticket and was wearing a George Michael shirt on the same day.) Well, can I just say that I thought the show was EXCELLENT! Of course it brought back memories of shit songs (some which I enjoyed in my childhood, and some which are just plain comical) but the way they strung everything into the storyline was really entertaining. So much so that I would actually like to go see it again (hello, they played "To Be With You", I almost died in my seat.) Two of the guys from Styx and REO Speedwagon were there and played a song as the encore too.
Today's assignment: buy jeans that fit properly and look cool. I am 99% positive the result of this will be complete failure.
Currently Playing: Noel Gallagher - Talk Tonight (live)


Syd said...

I JUST saw Rock of Ages last week when I was home visiting. Loved it! I am a cheese ball and of course had nearly all of the songs already on my ipod. Such a fun show.

On the jeans - have you tried Uniqlo yet? They are pretty good, I find, for the price. Or if feeling spendy, I think Joe's Jeans are good as well, but I think they ring it at around 150. But they fit my child-bearin hips.

100 Greatest Songs Of The Noughties said...

That Marmaduke Duke song is incredibly catchy, think it's my favourite song of '09 so far.

Going to my first festival of the year this coming weekend - ATP. Very excited! x

Meredith said...

I love Joe's but I don't fit in them properly. I haven't tried Uniqlo, but I did get two pairs at Levi's so I'm very happy!

Have fun at ATP, I'm festival-less again this year :(