Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman We Are Floating in Space

Quote of the night -

I just came back from seeing Star Trek which was excellent. I told Meghan that the contest for tickets through work was part of the celebration for Asian Heritage month. Response from Meghan: Oh right because of Spock. (HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!) Me: Spock is half Vulcan half human! For the record, John Cho, aka Sulu, talked via video recording prior to the movie starting. And I kind of want to watch more Star Trek now.

Yesterday was just plain silly. These are the silly things that happened in the span of two hours:

1. On my way out of work I got stuck in the elevator. It was on the 38th floor with the inside doors open but the outside doors closed. There were 11 of us in there, most from the Nickelodeon softball team who were overly concerned about being late for the game and having to forfeit. Julie called me while I was in there and I was explaining to her that no, I was not "in" an elevator, but I was in fact "trapped" in one, garnering laughter within. We were only in there for 15 minutes or so but I found it to be really funny.

2. On the subway home, I was standing in front of a guy who was sitting and had his eyes closed for most of the ride. He suddenly requested that I take my earbuds out and then asked if I had a relative in the military, perhaps a father or brother? I told him that my dad was in the army in the '60s if that counted (for the record my uncle and grandfather were also but I didn't mention them.) I said why, do I look like someone you know in the military? And he said "No, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to drill my intuition." HUH? Do I look like some stringent, upright bitch? Well, possibly yes, considering a guy tried to pick me up last week by telling me that I look like I belong in The Plastics from Mean Girls (...but I'm probably sweet on the inside.) Do I need to change my facial expression or something??

3. When I went to get my stuff from the locker room at the gym, there was a notice taped to my locker saying I had to see management because I locked someone's pants in my locker! I guess I hung my black jacket up inside of my locker, and when I went to put my bag in, I saw black clothes hanging in another locker thinking it was mine, and locked my stuff in it. I returned the pants to the manager, totally embarrassing.

--This is not part of the silly stuff, but as I was walking home from the gym, I was laughing to myself about the elevator incident, and I bumped into Kristine. She told me she almost didn't want to say hi because I was so smiley and happy and she didn't want to interrupt. Apparently I don't just look like a bitch, but I look like a crazy bitch!--

4. I almost made the rest of the walk to the apt. with some normalcy, but I stopped into Duane Reade to buy soda and some old woman was sitting in one of those folding camping chairs with a drink in the cup holder, just chillin in front of the ATM. That's it! She was just hanging out there, it was so weird!!

Sometimes we just need silliness to get us through the week.

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