Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Season Of The Witch

Happy Halloween! It's my favorite holiday of the year (sorry July 4th, you aren't so much fun anymore) though I hate when it falls out during the week. Gone are the days right after my friends and I graduated college and dared to go out for an event like this on a weeknight. I would even go back home after work on Fridays, get ready, and go back out in the city again. The thought of doing that now absolutely makes me cringe.

But, rather than being lame, I have opted not to run home to watch Gossip Girl and instead go to Alex's Halloween party as he lives literally on top of the parade. In all my years of going out in the village to celebrate, the closest I could ever get to this spectacle was 14th and 8th (aka nowhere near the parade, too jammed), and I now feel it is my duty to attend as I have the ability to do so. Besides, they repeat Gossip Girl on Sunday.

I don't have an outfit with me today so I may go to Ricky's after work and buy a mask or something (apparently Alex has some scary 80's permed wig I can borrow too.) Don't think I'll need that though since I accidentally left my make-up at Stiffy's house after his party on Friday so I'm already looking pretty scary as it is. Whatever works right?

My mom bought bags of pretzels to hand out to the trick or treaters. LAME! Can't believe we aren't giving away chocolate, we're so uncool. Do people still hand out 10 pennies in Halloween paper bags? That was the worst!

I heard a song on the top 5 at 9 on CBS-FM last night and #2 was a song called 'Cute Little Monster' or something like that. The lyrics were really funny and included something about kneecap soup, I can't find it on google anywhere though. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I'm guessing it's from the 50's or 60's.
What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?
A stake sandwich...

What does a cannibal get when he comes home late for dinner?
The cold shoulder...

Why did the Cyclops have to close his school?
He only had one pupil...

What kind of pants do ghosts wear?

What did the three vampires order at the bar?
Two bloods and a blood light...

What did the skeleton say to the bartender?
I'll have two beers and a mop...

(wah wah wah wahhhhhh)

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

I love those jokes.

Ha ha.