Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pure Shore (You Got Got)

I've returned from the Jersey shore in one piece, hoorah!

I laughed, I cried, I got burnt on my right side.
I successfully avoided Belmar (YES!) but that meant we went to Jenks twice (BOO!)
Jon and Kirk had a "Body-Off" competition by the pool. This was not thrilling for the ladies in any way, shape, or form.
Liz and I were relegated to the pull out couch for the first night and had an added bonus of Erica and potato chip crumbs the second night.
I closed my aluminum takeaway container in between the car trunk and the back window so it was stuck sticking straight up. At least the sun heated up my leftover cocunut shrimp and I didn't need to use the microwave. (This was actually really funny if you can picture it - so funny that I stood there laughing and crying at it for 5 minutes by myself in the parking lot.)
Memorable quotes include...
Arthur (in all seriousness): Charles Darwin went to Bronx Science?!
Spector Rapping: I'm gonna spread your legs and fertilize your eggs.
Enjoy (or don't enjoy) the photos.
Best Beer Bottle Opener Ever

Liz bringing Sexxy back

El Grupo

Spector Going to the Bathroom in Jenkinsons

Super Magnetic Bag That Attracts Silverware

"Get off me Ralph, thanks" - Erica

Matt: It started back in Dublin, blah, blah, blah
Me: Let's see dem muscles already!

Jon Starts the Body-Off with a Flex

Kirk Even Shaved His Legs for the Competition

Winner! Possibly the Longest Game of Flip Cup in Point Pleasant Manor History

Actually Possibly the Only Game of Flip Cup in Point Pleasant Manor History 1,2, 3, Go!
Put Your Cup Down, Flip It, and Reverse It Yum (The Drinks Not the Boys)
Here's To Disgusting Tequila, Cheers!

Dear DJ, Why Don't You Play Some Hip Hop? Thanks. Love, Everybody in the Bar

Sleeping with a Beer, That's Our Erica! Amish Resort

Mr. Point Pleasant Manor 2007


Big Daddy said...


Looks like fun was had.

Anonymous said...

What's this "sun" thing that you speak of, and is there any chance of you bringing any over here when you come visit in two weeks? We've had the wettest April on record, the wettest May on record, the wettest June on record, and now we've already had the entire average monthly rainfall for July, and it's only the 4th.

Oooh, it's the 4th, Happy Indpendence Day. Will Smith costumes, ahoy!