Friday, June 29, 2007

Jersey Boys (and Girls)

In T-1 hour I will be on my way to the land that spawned Bon Jovi, The Sopranos, and, uh, Bahama Mama's. Yes, I'm going to fabulous New Jersey!

There are about 20 of us going to Point (un)Pleasant for Matt's 30th birthday and I believe the idea is to basically reenact our trip from two years ago. That consisted of water grenades that wouldn't break, a disastrous Pimms recipe, watching Live 8 (now Concert for Diana), makeshift beer pong tables made from hotel room furniture, arm wrestling contests, people getting stuck in the fold-out couch (you know who you are), taking shots from chests and unzipped flies, a trip to the police station, and a late-night break in to the pool. I'm excited!


Big Daddy said...

Have fun and make sure you have bail money!

Meredith said...

Thanks! I'm beet red but it was really fun.