Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Apolo, You're My One and Ono

I'm temping for Nickelodeon Music. It was only my first day but man was it boring! And I don't mean my usual boring day at a temp job where I surf the net...it's because I DIDN'T HAVE A COMPUTER! Oh, the horror!!!

I know this isn't a life or death thing; I did spend a majority of the day reading some book on 1000 album covers, a Time Magazine, and an In Touch (I had to balance out the Time), but when it comes down to it, the day just drags when you've got no technology. They are trying to hook me up with a computer but I'm just a lowly temp so nothing's definite.

A nice man I was working with did give me some free CDs today - Matt Kierney which I'm excited about, Incubus, then everyone who has ever been a finalist on American Idol - Taylor Hicks, Carrie Underwood, Daughtry (blah), Clay Aiken, and even Kelly Pickler (which I gave to my dad.) Probably all the free CDs they received and subsequently rejected. I like that C. Underwood song they play on the radio though where she bashes up the dude's car.

While we're on the topic of reality TV, I hate Dancing with the Stars most of the time, but now that they are down to the finals I'm more invested. I actually voted for Apolo like 10 times yesterday (here was a glitch with the system that let me do it more than 5 times.) I did give Joey one vote just because I felt like I had to. Have I stooped to a new low?


Anonymous said...

Aha... I've finally worked out how to add your site to my RSS reader, so now I will actually see when you have updated rather than having to come check here all the time! Excellent stuff, this RSS lark.

Big Daddy said...

How odd they pay for a temp who ends up just sitting there all day.

I would definitely go crazy without something to do, or a computer.

Meredith said...

I don't have any feeds, maybe I should do that, hmmm.

Yeah, that happens at every temp job I've had lately. But I got a computer, yeah!