Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This weekend I went to the London Zoo. To my disappointment, there were no elephants (baby ones are my favorite animals since I went to Thailand,) but otherwise the animals that decided to show their faces/come out of their houses at all were pretty good. And no, the Amazon parrot did not come out.
Here are my photos!
This is a collage of everything I saw
Males are the pregnant ones, suckers

Matilda the 1,204,720 year-old tortoise Le petit stingray
Harry Potter-style owl
Meerkats, my favorite animal in this zoo, posing in the red-light district of the den
Below - like the fish that nipped my legs in the Thai waterfalls. Okay, they weren't that big but they were still huge and I've got a scar on my leg from swimming away from them and bashing myself into an algae-covered rock. You get the idea.

Tucan Sam Cute monkey
Llama, photo taken especially for Melanie

Penguins, yeah Phi Sig!(?) Me contracting bird flu
David thinking about eating meat for dinner

Current Music: The Tears - The Asylum


Big Daddy said...

I feel sorry for warm climate animals that get plucked, and stuck in zoos in cold places.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mer.. I feel so special to get a special picture just for me!