Friday, December 01, 2006

See the Idiot Talk

Last week I trained a security guard at one of the offices on how everything worked so he would know how to cover the place when the receptionist goes to lunch (he arrived at 10:00 am to cover this so-called lunch as well by the way, which is almost as ridiculous as Benjamin Cardozo high school assigning me 3rd period lunch for almost two whole years.) He was a complete idiot and by the end of the week when I spoke to him, if I spoke to him at all, I had no patience for his nonsense annoying babble and I was extremely rude to him (which I did not think was unprofessional being that he was to the 14th degree of irritating.)

Why is it that he then decided to get my phone number from the girl who is there now (AND why did she give it to him without asking me first?) He called me the other night, and continued talking even after I told him I was busy with my boyfriend and not to call again. The sad thing is that I think he really is so stupid that he thought me being a complete bitch to him was actually flirtation. I saw him briefly this morning but didn't look him in the eye because if I had done that, I think he may have taken it as 'a sign.' I seriously hate imbeciles.


Big Daddy said...

Oooh. That happened to me. We had 8 periods, and my senior year, I had first, third and fourth off.

Needless to say, I rarely went to second period, and barely passed.

But what's the point of getting up and going to class, then having two hours to kill before the next one?

I didn't have to be to school until almost 11 AM. Was nice at the time.

Meredith said...

Just to provide an update on the idiot, he did call me again that night. Moron!!!