Saturday, February 04, 2006

Spinning Wheel Got To Go 'Round

I pulled a Laura! (Not as in a hooked up with a girl named Laura, I got run over by a vehicle like Laura.) Yesterday afternoon I went for drinks with John in Camden Town, and on the way back I decided to cross Castlehaven Road in the middle of the street instead of at the light. All of the cars were stopped, but as I crossed the street I didn't notice the bicyclist wearing a bright yellow 'watch out so you don't get run over' vest. I did a slow motion, grab onto the biker and procede to fall over in front of everyone move. SO EMBARASSING. I am so done with jaywalking.

Last night was a bust. I met up with Zoe, her friend Elisa, Laura, Alex, Emily, Joy, Andi, Laura's friend Georgina and her friend at the Steam Passage in Angel. Around midnight we went to Islington Academy for XFM's First Friday, and after about 45 minutes of waiting on line and freezing our toes off, the bouncers were only letting people in on a one-out, one-in basis. We left and some of us went to The Bull for a bit. A girl in the bathroom asked me where my accent was from based on me asking if there was any toilet paper in the next stall. After I told her NY, she got so excited that she kept imitating the accent for the next 10 minutes saying "Oh my Gawd!! What the fuck?! Oh my Gawd, what the fuck?!" It was funny at first but not after she wouldn't let me leave.

Today I went to the school library to get some books so I can begin writing my dissertation, then I went to Caffe Nero to read Angels & Demons. I also finally saw my first real life JCB. This is still the cutest video ever.

Current Music: Beanie Man - Girls Dem Sugar

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