Sunday, February 05, 2006

Are You Ready For Some Football?

I need help with figuring out a song. It goes something like "Give me a song and I'll sing it...give me a {something} and I'll {something} it." I heard it on Virgin today, its by a guy, and I think I've heard it once before. I really like it and can't figure it out from typing it into Google. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Last night I went to Tine's and then to Bryan's to pre-drink before going out. I drank a whole bottle of wine myself which probably wasn't necessary but whatever. The people from the dorms are from all over the place - Bahrain, Norway, Brazil, etc. etc. All different ages too. Those Alexander Fleming people have got the randomest assortment of friends I've ever seen. Anyway we went to Tabernacle near Old Street. I was somewhat drunk and just remember arguing for an hour with Brian about something regarding sex and blowjobs, but I forgot what the premise of the argument was about.

I'm going to Belushi's tonight in Camden Town to watch Super Bowl CVLXIII with Ben and Dandan. It doesn't start till around midnight though, so I hope I can last all night. Last year's Super Bowl was great. I won the first quarter in the pool at Kris' house which was $25, and then after going to Matt's during half-time, I won the final for $99. That was probably the monetary highlight of 2005 for me.

Current Music: Jack Johnson - Upside Down


Anonymous said...

i won the pool at kris and jenn's party. $100.!!!

Meredith said...

Ahh, lucky! Did Paras make chili and wings?