Saturday, February 11, 2006

My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard

I'm off to Bournemouth in a bit for an overnight trip with Laura, Zoe and Mairead. I am so excited to go to the milkshake shop. They make milkshakes with every kind of candy bar. Last time I had the Kit Kat one (FYI Kit Kats taste so much better here since the chocolate is different.) Yum.

End of the week's been good. I went to Walkabout in Leicester Square on Thursday night with Ana and a few of her Spanish friends for a birthday drink. I'd never been; the people weren't as slimy as I'd expected (I think that's the clientele mainly on Monday nights.) The venue is an old church which was really cool. One of the guys we were with works in a Caffe Nero in Fulham and he said that Hugh Grant comes in for coffee 1-2 times/week and he lives around the corner (uh, and his face supposedly looks like "a bag of rice"?!) Hugh should start preparing himself for stalker alert since I plan on going there and hunting him down. Anyway, I had a kangaroo burger; it was okay, the flavor was a bit odd but at least I've finally tried it. So I've now had kangaroo, ostrich, deer and rabbit aside from the regular animals (sorry Todd.) Not sure what else I want to try but I've still never had a buffalo/bison burger so I might have to get that when I get back to the States.

Last night Ana had her party at her house which was good. It was all people from my course and I stuffed my face with cake and other junk food.

Current Music: Doves - Valley


WelshSoxFan said...

I LOOOOOOVE ostrich. It tastes SO good

Meredith said...

I'm not too keen. I do prefer ostrich steak to ostrich burgers though.