Saturday, February 25, 2006

Can You Feel My Heartbit When I'm Close To You?

Yay! I saw Tahiti 80 last night! They were good!

Before they went on, Alex and I watched the opening act and I have no idea what they were called. The music was okay (uh yeah, until they started singing.) They had a big fanbase but I wasn't really into it. I thought I spotted Tahiti 80's singer (who looks like Jeff Buckley) in the crowd and tried to make eye contact, but not full-on predator-type as I wasn't totally sure if it was him. The guy was cute though so it didn't hurt to try anyway. (Turned out it was him, oh well.)

Their first two or three songs were okay, but the show got really good after that. I loved the songs on keyboard, and 'Heartbeat' was great (which included a bit of 'Love From Outer Space' as well as 'Since I Left You' by The Avalanches at the end.) I first found out about them through that song, b/c when I worked at WLIR they played it all the time and one of the DJs loved how the singer pronounced it as 'Heartbit' with his accent. The bass player was also the most smiley, jovial, teddy-bearish guy I've ever seen; he was so cute, I wanted to hug him, take him home with me and put him on my bed next to my teddy bear (although I don't think I would have had any room to sleep if that actually happened.) They ended with 'Changes' and the bass player joined the drummer for a Doves-like ending, it was sooo good!

The singer threw the pick into the crowd and I hit it with my left hand and it dropped to the floor somewhere and I lost it forever, BOO. After that I told him my too-often used, unoriginal, unseductive, generic line of "You guys were really good!" I got a pat on the shoulder with a "Thank you" followed by another delayed pat and an additional "Thank You." SCORE! I also smiled at him downstairs and he smiled back on his way out. I think my game could have been so much better if I'd tried harder. Ahh, French boys.

The sun is deceitful today. It's so bright outside, but I went to Camden market for a while and froze my ass off. (I also ate the worst fried food you could possibly imagine.) I can't wait until Spring.

Current Music: Tahiti 80 - Matter of Dub

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