Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I decided I couldn't go without the traditional meal, so with Solo's cooking/flavoring advice, I prepared one consisting of turkey (pre-filleted), mashed potatoes (who knew manual mashing was so easy?), peas, cranberry sauce and ready-to-make gravy that originally looked like rabbit pellets but eventually turned into a smooth brown goop. It was way decent for my first time, and for that I am thankful.

A kindergarten class was asked How Do You Cook A Turkey? These are quite funny, my favorite is Logan's answer: "WE get a turkey from Cub Foods. Put some meat in it. Put some bones in it. Put chicken in it. Then we add some milk. Add some soup! Then we add corndogs. Next, chicken on a patty. Now, cookies! Chocolate chip muffins and now comes a little bit of peanuts. Just, you need a pot and some fire to put it in. And that's it. The end!"

Oh Larson B, oh won't you fall on me?

Current Music: GL Podcast - Alan-Michael reunites with Harley, Dinah and Lizzie

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