Wednesday, January 16, 2008

She's So Flippin' Hot...She's Like a Curry

I've been slack on blogging. This is what has happened the past few weeks:

I went to England.

Carnaby Street looked all pretty for the holidays

Dave and I pretended to be tourists

We watched Flight of the Conchords non-stop (non-stop meaning I know the words to every song from season 1 by heart now, and probably all of the dialogue too.)
Have some Boom Boom here -

We went to Winter Wonderland. It was not as cool as I thought it would be. We went in the haunted house; I could have made better props with stuff from AC Moore for sure.

Laura hosted us for a pre-drink/pre-pig out at her flat before going out for New Years Eve (and before I got my new gloves covered in freshly chewed gum on the bus)We went to Fifty Five in Camden

Graham got some disgusting looking drink

Dave got a huge-ass beer that was bigger than Graham's head

Kat growled in every photo

Liz apparently got the same disgusting drink as her husband

And the tubes ran all night for free. A miracle!

Other goings-on post-London:

I got a Rock Band for Xmas from work (though I don't have an XBOX360 or a PS3 to play it on.)

I curled my hair and got told I look like Celine Dion. Huh?

I'm back on Weight Watchers. I think about food every 3 seconds, but I did lose 2 lbs. in my first week, woohoo! My mom dislocated her thumb, ouch.

Through the wonders of Facebook, I've found out that a friend of mine from the happy hour era of '01-'02 has written a book. Which is nuts.

I got a quarter share in a Fire Island house solely with my girlfriends for the first time ever. The outside is not so beautiful...

But it has a sweet inside if I do say so myself...
It'll be itty bitty beds for us...
And a deck...check!
That's it for now. Lunch time, yummm.
Current Music: Kate Nash - Pumpkin Soup

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...


Pumpkin Soup just came on BBC as I was reading this.
