Friday, October 05, 2007

God's Nightgown!

I'm reading Gone with the Wind at the moment and I've got to say it's really good so far! I bought it last year because it was only 2 GBP in the cheap bookstore in Camden but could never bring myself to start it being that it's over 1,000 pages long. I couldn't find the new book I had planned to start reading the other day, and I definitely needed a distraction from the creepy subway guy, so I started it. Anyways, instead of modern phrases like 'Come on!' or 'Give me a break!', etc. they always say 'God's nightgown!' and that's been making me laugh all day.

T-15 minutes until wine guzzling, dinner, and dancing begins, hoorah!


Big Daddy said...

Be careful.

On a lark, I used the term 'bee's knees' and it's stuck to this day.

Meredith said...

That's definitely embarassing.