Wednesday, May 09, 2007

And the Verdict Is...

Ugh. I'm stuck at jury duty. They have computers here though which is so random. So far they've shown Raiders of the Lost Ark (my least fav. Indiana Jones movie) and I've read the NY Times and a Glamour magazine. They called in about 6 groups of 25 to be interviewed already with some people having gone up multiple times but I haven't been called once yet. Regardless, they told us we are stuck here till at least 4:00 pm anyway so I guess it doesn't matter when I get called. Lunch in 40 minutes though, wahoo!

Some people here are so stupid. Don't talk in the main room on cell phones means "don't talk in the main room on cell phones." What's so hard to understand about that? Also to these rule breakers, I don't care about your island vacation, you are too loud.

One woman did something stupid with her summons, duplicated it or soemthing, and as her "punishment" as instructed by the dude in charge, she keeps getting called up to be interviewed for all the cases. They should do that with all the cell phone rule breakers too.

Please email me for entertainment as I'll be checking this periodically. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Which court are you stuck at? I live up the block from the criminal court in the Kew. Of course, when I got nabbed earlier this year, they made me hike to Jamaica.

Meredith said...

Jamaica. And I'm going back tomorrow :(

Anonymous said...

Jeez, New Yorkers have to go to Jamaica for jury service?

I'm off to Slovenia tonight. RAH!

Meredith said...

Yeah I wish. Have fun in the Slov!