Friday, December 22, 2006

Crazy Turk(menistani)!

I just read an article on about how the president of Turkmenistan passed away and I have clipped some quotes from the article on here. Do you think he was a bit narcissistic or what?


...fostered a personality cult that included making his countrymen call him "Turkmenbashi" -- The Father Of All Turkmen

...created a bizarre personality cult under which he renamed the month of January after himself and April after his mother

...banned lip-synching, car radios and the playing of recorded music at weddings

...once ordered doctors to stop taking the Hippocratic Oath and swear allegiance to him instead

...had statues of himself erected throughout the nation listed as the author of the "Rukhnama" (Book of the Soul) that was required reading in schools, where children pledged allegiance to him every morning

...tapped the country's vast energy wealth for outlandish projects -- a manmade lake in the desert, a cypress forest to change the desert climate, an ice palace outside the capital, a ski resort and a 40-meter (130-foot) pyramid

...appeared in public to formally open an amusement park named after him outside the capital


1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

Sounds like something Michael Jackson would do. Or G W Bush, in his senile years.