Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm in the Mood for...Butt?

I went to the gym at 9:30 am this morning. I didn't do anything too strenuous, plus I had a roll with butter afterwards so I guess that kind of canceled it out, oh wells me.

Saturday night was Joy's birthday at The Winchester. They played hip hop and I was happy. The only bad thing was that the DJ started repeating songs later in the night. If you are going to repeat a song, don't make it O.P.P. for God's sake.

Yesterday I went to Tinseltown in Farringdon (which basically looks like the Meatpacking District.) I had the grossest hamburger in the history of ever. After contemplating what the lingering taste in my mouth reminded me of for the next 6 hours, I finally realized that the flavor was probably that of what it would taste like if I had went into the diner's kitchen and licked the grease off the grill with my tongue. My "Lost in Shake-lation" Snickers milkshake was good though.

I'm taking Liz for a belated birthday lunch at Bodean's today. It looks like it has Brother Jimmy's type food. And they have Boston Butt Sandwiches, hahaha!

Current Music: Better Than Ezra - Our Finest Year


Anonymous said...

Never, EVER eat at Tinseltown. Their milkshakes are legendary, but their food is too, for completely different reasons!

Farringdon looks like the Meatpacking district because IT IS the Meatpacking district....

Big Daddy said...

What is a Boston Butt sandwich. Sounds naughty [cheeky].


Meredith said...

The butt was yummy! (It's pulled pork.) I highly enjoyed the corn muffins as well.

Big Daddy said...

Ah! Cool. Thanks for explaining.