Thursday, December 15, 2005

Question of the Day

When am I going to learn to stop eating falafel when I'm sober? IT'S GROSS.

Wahoo! Today was the last day of class! There are certain things I really should accomplish over this break, like: register with a GP, decorate the flat for the holidays, write holiday cards, search for gifts for family (whoops, a bit late on that one), come up with a New Year's plan, get a boyfriend (haahaahaa), attempt to get some sort of job/register with temp agencies, clean my room (not gonna happen), get books out of the library, hopefully book an upcoming trip, agh don't know what else. I also wanted to do an NME-inspired list of my favorite tracks, gigs, etc. of the year for el bloggo.

Can an English person please tell me if Gola sneakers are cool or uncool? They are the only company that make black sneakers that I like that aren't Pumas (which are not affordable in this country.) I just don't want people to point and laugh at me. I mean, they would regardless, but I don't want to add fuel to the fire. Thanks!

Current Music: The Bravery - An Honest Mistake


Anonymous said...

Un cool, very very uncool! Unless you are a chav!

Pumas are cool, i wear them!

Anonymous said...

Er... falafel when you're sober is fine if you're buying them from a NICE falafel restaurant, and not some dodgy place on Kentish Town Road?

WelshSoxFan said...

Gola are 100%, absolutely, completely, utterly uncool. They are awful sneakers and people will not only laugh, they will probably cross the street to get away from you. Don't do it Mer!

Meredith said...

It was actually a dodgy place on Tottenham Court Road, though you easily hit the nail on the head with pinning Kentish Town Road as my usual.

Thanks for the Gola warning guys. You saved me from making a fatal mistake! I used to have old school white/blue striped pumas, but I'm looking for a black and/or blue look and at this point I'll take almost anything. Any suggestions are highly welcome.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day I had an amazing Gola shellsuit. Not only was it ultra-stylish, it was confortable too. It never left my back.

Gola was a little uncool years ago, but I'd give it a cool rating today.

Don't listen to the people above - buy those trainers!

Anonymous said...

well i live in italy,mere, and u know how italy is a fashionable and cool country and gola here is in...
I bought a pair and I love them. I didn't even know they could be uncool.
By the way love falafel also when sober!!