Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Can You Fill Me In

Instead of forwarding this one I figured I'd post it. Feel free to do yours in the comments section, although I'm not sure how many takers I'll have.

*Date: October 19, 2005
*Starting Time: 5:48 pm
*Birth Date: September 11, 1979
*Name: Meredith
*Age: 26
*Color of eyes: Brown
*Hair: Brown
*Height: 5' 3"
*Shoe Size: US - 7
*Brothers/Sisters: My brother Dave, 23
*When your bedtime is: Since I moved into my apartment about 4:00 am b/c I can't fall asleep

---------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
*Been in a car accident: Twice with Erica E driving, once with Erica F driving, one minor one with Julie driving, and one where I drove and I thought the other driver was going to shoot me (PS - wasn't my fault!!!)
*Been hurt emotionally: Not badly
*Ever had an imaginary friend: Nope
*Cried during a Movie: Yes
*Had a crush on a teacher: Yes
*Been on stage: Yes
*Cut your hair: Nope, but I cut Ryan's
*Been sarcastic: Yes

*Shampoo: Herbal Essences
*Colors: Teal, blue, silver
*Day/Night: Both
*Summer/Winter: Summer
*Lace/Satin: Lace
*Cartoon Characters: Spongebob Squarepants
*Food: Cheeseburgers; Bolognaise sauce
*Fave Ice Cream: Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter & Chocolate
*Fave Subject: History
*Fave Drink: Alcoholic: Stoli raspberry and Sprite. Non: Diet Snapple iced tea

---------------RIGHT NOW---------------
*Wearing: Grey turtleneck and sweatpants (just changed)
*Drinking: Nothing
*Thinking about: Blowing my nose
*Listening to: Bloc Party
*Talking to: No one
*Watching: The computer screen

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------------
*Cried: No
*Worn a skirt: No
*Done laundry: No
* Drove a car: No

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN---------------
*Yourself: This is a dumb question
*Friends: See above
*Tooth fairy: Not at 25 cents/tooth
*Santa: Yes, esp. considering I'm being his wife for Halloween
*Destiny/Fate: No way
*Angels: No
*Ghosts: No

---------------FRIENDS AND LIFE----------------
*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
*Like anyone: Surprisingly no
*Who's the loudest?: Gareth
*Who's the weirdest?: Melanie
*Who do you go to for advice?: My dad
*Who do you think about most when you're not online?: Jimmy Fallon
*Who do you cry with: Whoever happens to be with me when I get upset cause i can never hold it in
*What's the best feeling in the world?: I'll let you know when i find it
*What's the worst feeling in the world?: Loneliness
*Who did you send this to?: The people who were on the original
*Who sent this to you: Zo
*Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you? Sure!
*Finish Time: 5:56 pm

Current Music: Bloc Party - Plans


WelshSoxFan said...

why does everyone think i'm the loudest? Totally unfair!! :'(

WelshSoxFan said...

and I TOTALLY thought you were joking before about the Jimmy Fallon thing!

Meredith said...

I never joke when it comes to Jimmy Fallon! :)

Anonymous said...

I got wierdest!! I'm so excited!!