Monday, October 29, 2012

There’s Nothing to Protect Ourselves When the Rain Gets us Wet

I'm back on my blog, yay!!  This is purely a result of Hurricane Sandy (now downgraded to Tropical Storm Sandy) boredom, so, here we are.

I was not taking this storm seriously at all, probably because I don't watch the news often (so says the International Relations MA), and therefore, did not realize it was going to be such a big deal until yesterday.  I woke up on Sunday in a slight panic, and forced Dave to go to Trade Fair on the corner at 9 am to stock up on "essentials." They were pretty much fully stocked at that time which was relieving.  As you can see, we've grown up quite a bit since Hurricane Irene:

Hurricane Irene Shopping List
Second trip when we realized we should get batteries and water

Hurricane Sandy Shopping List
Ice cream (I decided that a hurricane warrants milkshakes)
Ingredients for baked ziti
Second trip when we realized we should get more milk, more soda, and dishwashing liquid

We made our second trip at about 9 pm last night as there still was no rain, even though we had locked ourselves in all day thinking it was going to happen.  At that point, there was zero bread left in the supermarket (this shop makes tons of fresh loaves of bread daily, in addition to carrying the name brand packages.)  There was also no milk left in the shop, so I bought the last box of Almond Milk which I was VERY weary about.  So far I've only had it in a milkshake and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I worked from home today, as did Dave, which ended up being awkward as he needed the laptop more than I did.  I tried to use the Raspberry Pi, but that wasn't working, and the Kindle Fire wasn't charged, so I ended up working from my smart phone.  Very awkward.

Before the storm craziness, we went out with Vicki and Thom in Soho on Saturday night.  Vicki saw Mike Myers walk past us on the street (this one, not that one), but the rest of us were distracted by some old lady in a huge feathered hat.  The point of my story is that I am having major deja vu - I am almost positive that I also walked past Mike Myers years ago in Soho and my friend saw him but I did not.  So, if you are that person, please identify yourself so to confirm I am not insane.

Yesterday, while waiting for things to brew, I finally organized my photos from my Southeast Asia trip from 2006 (I actually had to reference my blog entries to figure out the correct order.)  It took me probably three hours to put all of the photos in order because I'm crazy anal, and by the time I put them in the 300-slot album, I was left with at least double that amount still to be inserted.  Aargh!
Here, have a baby elephant
A happy AND funny menu
And some ladyboys
That prompted me to start my next project, which was also ordering miscellaneous event photos all over the living room floor and putting them into empty albums.  I have also been left with probably 200 extra as well.  After that, I did the dishes, flossed my teeth, tweezed my eyebrows, filed my nails, put away the laundry, cleaned the bathtub, etc.  So fun!

Here's a song that I'm in love with thanks to my step aerobics class, can't believe I haven't heard it until now being that it's the Scissor Sisters:
I originally thought that was a woman singing, sorry Jake.

Here's a nice baby photo of me that I scanned not too long ago:
Don't mess with mini me
Dave with his Kurt Cobain haircut just for good measure

If I am bored again tomorrow, I may write an equally boring blog so stay tuned.

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