Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Put 'em All Together and What Do You Get...HOOOOT DOG

Saturday night we saw The Bangles at BB Kings. Antigone Rising opened. To put it simply, they were awful. They ended with a cover of 'Midnight Rider' though which was a bit redeeming. Lucky save.

I am not kidding, The Bangles rocked it. They played most of their classics (did you know that Prince wrote Manic Monday?) opening with my favorite, their cover of 'Hazy Shade of Winter.' 'In Your Room' was most excellent and I got excited when they played 'Watching the Sky', a song I used to love but forgot about. I had to do some research the next day just to see how old they are and it turns out that Susanna Hoffs is 50! FIFTY!!! Cute does not begin to describe this girl. I mean, she was always cute, making the eyes at the crowd and in videos and everything, but still looks like she's 25, it's amazing!
Hottest 50 year old I've ever seen September Girls
I didn't want to film this one but I was running out of chances, so here's 'Walk Like an Egyptian'

I went a little hot dog crazy this weekend. Friday night we went out on the LES for $3 happy hour (I didn't even know that still existed) with a stop at Katz's in between. That was hot dog #1 plus a knish for luck. On Saturday I went to RK Bridal with Heather and Liz and under the latter's influence, went to Gray's Papaya (which I should mention I NEVER frequent.) That was hot dog #2. On Sunday, after The Bangles, we went to Rudy's. Those were free so I had hot dogs #s 3 and 4. Yesterday was a BBQ where I had to have one simply out of principle, but there were none! I had a sausage instead. I also had grilled haloumi for the first time ever. Hi, umm why did no one ever tell me to eat this cheese before? It was like heaven in my mouth.

I'm finally catching up on the first episode of The Bachelorette. They upped it to 30 guys from 25 and there isn't even a single cute one! Men must produce this show - are they kidding me with this selection?!

On Saturday I went for sushi in Forest Hills with peeps and on the way to the restaurant with Heather, a woman came out onto the street with her dog. I put my foot in my mouth and just blurted "That is a WEIRD looking dog!" I tried to cover it up with "I mean it's so different looking, I've never seen a dog like that before," asked the offended woman what the type was, didn't understand what she said and then complimented it's hair/fur because I didn't know how else to save myself all while being distracted by the dog. I told my dad about it because I couldn't get over how weird looking it was. So this morning I find this email from my dad in my inbox:

Subject: ugly dog !!

Meredith, I think the dog you saw was probably a Bedlington Terrier( looks like a lamb) . The other breed may be a Miniature Bull Terrier , big head like a torpedo !! Look at them on Google, tell me if I am correct.

That made me laugh the whole way to work! Retired people are too funny. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was a Bedlington Terrier. The one I saw was a golden blonde/brown but here's an image from one I found on Google:

Somebody missed the evolution boat...

So, a bomb exploded 3 blocks from my apartment. Nothing new for me. Next blog I'm going to give a rundown of how trouble precedes or directly follows me everywhere I go.


Anonymous said...

You didn't know that Prince wrote 'Manic Monday'? Seriously?

Also, apologies for not alerting you to the greatness of halloumi prior to now. I find it best lightly fried with some garlic and onions, although it's also great grilled.

Mel said...

So I kept trying to figure out why this ladies hot dog looked so wierd... Then it hit me you had made a switch to real dogs... You can't go talking about HOT dogs for 10 minutes and then just switch without a transition into a blog about regular dogs.. Get with it Meredith!!

Syd said...

What childhood song is that title from? I feel like there's a "ding dong" referenced in it too, but I can't remember, and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY.

My dad's retired too, but yet, I don't get such prompt replies to my e-mails. Sometimes I think I go to his junk mail folder.

Anonymous said...

You should check out Crif Dogs in Alphabet City if you want to try some great hot dogs..Then walk into the phone booth and disappear!

Meredith said...

- I did know that Prince wrote it, I was asking the audience :)

- I think the song was originally from Sesame Street, but I pulled it from a Simeon Mobile Disco version.

- The last time I tried to go in the Crif Dogs phone booth I got rejected :(