Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Made A Meal of It

Tuesday night was Jack Peñate at Mercury Lounge. I met up with Ryan first for food at 7A (they gave me mustard vinaigrette instead of balsamic, boo!) and then some drinks at Hi-Fi. Jack sold the place out. The crowd was a little annoying, particularly in the girls room. All I kept hearing in there was "I know him! He's my friend's friend!" "I'm from London, I know him, well, a little, but I've seen him 10 times!" and "I know him too, well, I work for his label here, and I'm glad you got that free poster, you deserve it!" Uh, seriously? Apparently I was the only person in there who didn't know him personally.

So, he was really good! I was impressed. Not every song sounded the same which Dave anticipated (only like 4 of them to be honest.) He had great stage presence, and seemed genuinely happy to be there. I recommend.He danced like George Michael (and looked a bit like him too circa 'Careless Whisper'.) He also looked a bit like Dave's friend Bernie (and Dave's mom thinks Bernie looks like George Michael, nice circle we've made there!) So then you know what this leads up to...
George Michael + Bernie = Jack Peñate!
This gave me a craving to listen to 'I'm Your Man' by Wham! which I'm playing right now. (Really love that song and I am totally not embarrassed about it.)
Oh yeah, and here's Jack Peñate doing 'Have I Been a Fool?' on Tuesday night...

Did you know...
that to get the n to show up like this (ñ), you need to hit alt + 0241?! Crazy shizz.

Current Music: The Wombats - Moving To New York


Big Daddy said...

I heart Jack Peñate.

And thanks for the ñ tip.

I didn't know that.

How do you do the ' for French words?

Anonymous said...

Hey there,
I don't know who that Jack dude is? I must download him. I am so out of any music scene in Asia! All they listen to on the radio are ballads!
How are you?

Meredith said...

He is enjoyable, sounds kind of ska-ish. Download Second, Minute, or Hour to start!

I am good thanks, all is boring, esp. compared to what you've been doing. Speaking of, I am going to read your blog now!