Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tag, I'm It

Big Daddy tagged me.

1. When you were born, how much did you weigh?
6 pounds, 11 ounces.

2. What's you're sugar poison?
Chocolate fudge cake!!

3. If you had to choose between meat and cheese for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
It's gotta be meat doesn't it? Man do I love cheese but I don't think I could live with myself if I actually picked it.

4. What, in your opinion, is the worst song ever?
Oh so many to choose from! For starters, 'Soulja Boy' - how the fuck did this song get released? Any remake by Girls Aloud. 'What's Up?' by 4 Non Blondes. Most Jennifer Lopez songs. 97% of music from the 80s.

5. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why?
Mr. Stavola because he was young and cute and taught history. There, I said it!

6. What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most?
I hate when women put make-up on on public transportation, it makes me want to punch them in the face.

7. Ok, there's a $50 bill lying on the ground. You pick it up. Dumbfounded by your incredible luck, what do you selfishly purchase?
Probably a combination of music and clothes (not that $50 would buy me much of either these days.)

8. Do you have a recurring nightmare? If so, explain.
No, I don't think I've ever had a recurring dream.

9. Name one place on Earth you've never been, but vow to visit at least once.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want me some Scandinavia!

10. You notice that question #9 wasn't really a question. You feel smart for catching such a small detail. What else can you do really well that reminds you how smart you are?
I play an excellent game of name that iTune, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...


Thanks for playing.

And yes, Soulja Boy is beyond horrid.

[How funny, word verification is 'nurss']