Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The 45th Floor, The 45th Floor, The 45th Floor's On Fire

I just had an interesting afternoon. There was just a fire on the 45th floor (I'm at VH1) and I've been standing around outside for the past hour. They announced that only the 44th, 45th, and 46th floors should evacuate but I'm on 31 and could smell it, yeah right I was not staying! Each floor had 2 or 3 landings to walk down and my legs are jello (so reminiscent of the blackout except that was 41 floors -> 82 flights.) I think they eventually told everyone to leave because it was really crowded outside the building so I'm glad I went down when the stairwells weren't packed. Anyways that was my exciting afternoon and now it smells like roasted marshmallows in here.

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

Oooh. I hate the fire smell.

There was a fire in my condo building, and the smoke smell lasted for a month.