Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Baby's Got Sauce (Though Not Quite)

I just had Ranch 1 after about a two year sabbatical. I got the regular #1 chicken sandwich combo and they dumped a pound of lettuce on it but none of their yummy Italian dressing-like sauce (which is why I went there in the first place.) Did I miss something?

Funniest Ranch 1 story ever was the day after the blackout when Melanie, Melissa, and I were laying out in Bryant Park on our awesome unexpected day off from work and noticed that the street lights were operating above 42nd Street. We ventured over to see if any food places had opened, and Ranch 1 and McDonald's were so we opted for the former. We contemplated which combination meal we wanted to order and what toppings we'd have or not have, same with sides as we stood in a line that snaked out the door. When it was finally our turn to order and we gave them our detailed descriptions of what we wanted, all they replied was "We only have plain chicken." It was a blackout, I guess we should have known right?

Speaking of R1's lack of sandwich dressing, I'm not sure if I blogged about this, but at some point last year, all of the Subways in London eliminated the Red Wine Vinaigrette dressing. I was EXTREMELY upset. But, upon eating my first Subway sandwich since I returned the other day, they actually did have the dressing! Unfortunately my taste buds must have changed because it wasn't so great and I was kind of left craving the honey mustard.

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