Saturday, June 03, 2006

Primrose Hill is the New Sheep's Meadow

I just walked home from Rob & Simon's party in Belsize Park. My mom probably would have smacked me upside the head for doing that but as a native New Yorker I had no patience to wait for the night bus.

The only things I have to say are that 1) I can't believe Slezer got kicked off Big Brother, yahoo! 2) I got stood up by my Latin America & Globalization (former) peoples yesterday, grrrrr!!!! and 3) I did not think that nicoise salad came with giant globs of mayonnaise, anybody with me on this one?


Anonymous said...

Mayonnaise doesn't belong on any food. Blech.

Big Daddy said...

Yep, should have olive oil and soemtimes mustard, but not mayo.

Meredith said...

I'll give you olive oil on occassion but definitely not mayonnaise OR mustard! I've got to say that french dressing on turkey is surprisingly quite delicious though.