Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Resolutions - 2006 Edition

These resolutions always seem to repeat themselves. No really, they've been my resolutions for like the last 10 years.

New Year's Resolutions Sure To Be Broken - 2006
1. Diet
2. Drink lots of water
3. Do my schoolwork early and not procrastinate
4. Go to the gym more
5. Get a job
6. E-mail my friends from home
6. Cook and not eat out
7. No late night falafel or chips
8. Keep the flat clean
9. Book a flight to visit the states
10. Remember people's birthdays
11. Not sit here listening to depressing music because my friends just left and I have to write papers

Current Music: U2 - All I Want Is You


Anonymous said...

#6 DEF needs to be followed...

Meredith said...

I doubled #6 by accident. So either my home friends are annoyed at me (SO TRUE) or other people have been spending too much money in restaurants as well. I'll do better, I promise!